
Well, we are making a last ditch effort to try and help our son. We have been trying to consult with a pulmonologist in New Jersey to figure out another method of ventilation. I have been referred to him by a few different, caring individuals.  He treats neuromuscular patients. We are just waiting for our doctors to consult with him.  The fact remains though, our son can not breath on his own. Unfortunately, there is little hope for improvement.  I’m tired, depleted and down. If it weren’t for all the wonderful support of friends and family and my sweet son’s face, I would have given up long ago.  Please continue to pray for us. I would also ask that each of you treasure the moments. All of them. I will do the same. So much love coming your way.


5 thoughts on “Efforts

  1. Aw honey. My heart just breaks for you and Bobby. Totally and completely. I’ve wished a thousand times that the universe would not have aligned this way for you. That I could just take it all away and make it better. Over and over again….. And over and over again I remember words which were said to me years ago… “if you want to look at what should have happened, look at what DID happen” I don’t know if this will make much sense right now in the midst of all this, but maybe in time to come you can find solace in these words as I have. I believe that even in the darkest moments of our lives there are treasures of light just waiting to be discovered.

    This little angel was sent to you specifically and I know he has brought more love to your life than you ever thought possible. I think little Holden has become a beacon of light to all of our lives…. my heart is with this little guy all day every day… sending the most profound beautiful love and light ever. He is truly surrounded by eternal love from all of us who are connected directly and indirectly to your family.

    I want to acknowledge you Tabatha for taking this on with such strength, wisdom, and truth. I see such courage in your words and such vulnerability. Thank you for sharing your journey here and keeping us posted, who can’t be near to walk with you right now. I’m holding your hand every day and if you ever feel you have lost your way or strength… just come here because we will carry you.

    Treasuring you. Treasuring Bobby. and Treasuring sweet sweet Holden, now and all ways.

  2. I am sending love every minute of the day. David and I want to come and see him but so many things are conflicting. We are trying to work it out. In the meantime know that I love you, Bobby and little Holden. Like Juliet, I wish I could take it all away and heal your broken hearts and Holden’s lungs. Oh I wish . . . .

  3. Sending all the love that I have to you, Bobby, and little Holden. Keeping you close to my heart, and prayers of solace for yours.

  4. I think of the three of you often, with a heavy heart. I can only imagine the stress that you are under as you deal with this situation.

    It sounds like you’ve reached out and found some incredible resources, which I’m sure will give you more information to use in your decision-making.

    For what it’s worth, a wise person once told me that whenever you have to make a very important decision, you’ll never be absolutely sure that it’s the right one. So being torn and uncertain is part of the process and, whatever decision you make, you move forward from there.

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